Diner en Blanc Vancouver

Diner en Blanc Vancouver Originating in Paris, Diner en Blanc is a…

How to wear statement jewelry

Statement Jewelry For that final touch to elevate any outfit, a well-chosen…

Squamish Valley Music Festival

Set against the magestic backdrop of towering mountains and beautiful blue skies, the…

The Deighton Cup

The weekend brought a classy daytime adventure peppered with fascinators, bowties and…

Feisty Feast

Feisty Feast describes itself as “A unique gathering uniting and empowering women through the…

Down D Islands

After such smashing wedding celebrations (you can see the pictures from Emma…

Wedding by the sea

What do coconut trees and wheat fields have in common? Usually, not…

Tulip Sunrise

Bucket List Destinations When you pull out your bucket list of lifetime…

Noe Bernacelli

You might have noticed in my last post (here) I promised I’d…

Teacher’s Pet Purple

The name floats off my tongue and ends in smirks and giggles…